Readings brewed just for tea lovers
- June 09 2020
In India we often talk about the omnipresent and omnipotent “Kadak Chai” and can be blissfully content that wherever we go - North, South, East or West, we are sure to get it at any local Tea shop. In contrast, only a few well-heeled consumers, especially in Kolkata mention that they drink “Lumbi Patti” Darjeeling chai. More recently, the aspiring weight watchers have taken to Green Tea. Consumers in India are by and large unaware of other types of teas. At Taj Mahal Tea House, Mumbai, we are proud to talk to you about another variety of Specialty Tea- The...
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- April 01 2020
Hello and welcome to this blog of Taj Mahal Tea House. Let’s start off by me telling you a bit about how I got into the tea tasting profession in the first place and then I will let you know how I integrate tea into my everyday experience… A bit about me After completing my management degree in 1989, I aspired to do a Marketing job & joined Unilever (Brooke Bond India) in the Sales & Marketing Department. To my surprise, at the time of reporting at Bengaluru Corporate office, I was suddenly allocated to the Tea Buying and Tasting...
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- October 01 2019
The exquisite qualities of Darjeeling tea manifest themselves distinctly during the growing seasons from March to November. Tea Connoisseurs call these seasons as First Flush (Spring) which is the period from March to April, Second Flush (Summer) from May to June, Monsoon (Rainy season) from July to September and finally Autumnal (Autumn) from October to November. The season that we are currently experiencing is known as Autumn or Fall and this is the final growing period before the tea bushes gently bid farewell and go into their winter slumber, only to awaken and give the first harvest of the next...
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